
Heartland Head Start

Heartland Headstart

Integrated Print + Digital Campaign


Heartland Head Start is a government-funded program that helps families with at risk children through various early childhood development programs and family support structures. This particular location wanted to increase the awareness of their program and its services within the potential donor demographic of their region. 

In order to create awareness and a feeling of commonality, our campaign highlights the fact that everyone gets or needs help at some point in life

By sharing a series of success stories from Heartland Head Start's clients, readers are left with a positive touch and tangible idea of how this organization helps others. We took it one step further, directing recipients to reflect back to a time when he or she received help or encouragement in life, and ultimately asking the reader to publicly share a thank you via social media. This project was super well received by the target audience, opening up a wide amount of lines of communication within the community.